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Team Roster:​

​Jocelyn Trott (c)

Kevin Rattigan (vc)

Phil Webb (playing coach)

Marky Fandango

Martin Hayes

Kirsty Gillen

Niall Patterson

Aoife Kieran

Sarah Clarke

Andy McKinnon

Chris Dickie

Christopher Chan

Alison Wallace

Olivia Moss

Rory Curran

Thomas Calvert

Marco Fazzini


Captains Interview



Hi Jo, how are you finding life in the big city?

Fantastic. There's so many things to learn though. Who knew that Kelvingrove park and Govan are

not particularly pleasant at night?


What are your early impressions of the Glasgow Ultimate scene?

It's bustling. 


How are you finding being in charge of your own team?

With it still being early on in the season, it's hard to see. They're a good group though so I'm sure it will be pretty enjoyable overall.


You're the new kid on the block and have a lot of big personalities in that team, do you think you're getting the respect you deserve as Captain?

I do. I'm far from being a walkover.


Describe your captaincy style in 2 words

Efficient, Delegatory.


Fever have started the league well, currently in second place. Talk us through the games you've played so far.

I was absent from the first week of games but was told that the team played well and started the league with a good win. 


The round robin tournament of the next week was a mixed bag with a big win over mayhem and two losses. The addition of some new team mates and loss of some from the previous week meant the team had to find a new flow which we did at times but struggled to be consistent. 


Last week saw a win over Midges after a strong start to the game with a few breaks. Midges picked themselves together and gave us some trouble with a zone but the buffer zone we'd created for ourselves ultimately proved too much for them.


How are the squad coming together? Are you employing any revolutionary tactics?

Squad are coming along nicely. We're yet to find consistency in what we do but there are moments of brilliance which should bode well for the future of the team.


No revolutionary tactics from us. We're taking a simple principle of keeping it simple. All it takes for a team to do well is to do the fundamentals right so that's what we're focusing on.


Do you think you have what it takes to go all the way?

Yes (ask ya ma....)


What are your thoughts on illuminous yellow?

Love it


Top of the table clash vs Irn Cru this Sunday, how do you see that going?

We'll win. 


Good luck!

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